The Effects Of Fatherlessness, And How To Minimize Them

Posted on: 9 January 2020

While the traditional family consists of a mother, father, and children, that is not always the best arrangement for everyone involved. Sometimes, you truly are better off raising a child without the father in the picture, and in other cases, that is your only choice. A child can grow up strong, smart, and healthy without a father in the picture, but you do need to be vigilant. Here is a look at the possible negative effects of fatherlessness and what you can do to minimize them.

What are the negative effects of fatherlessness?

Social science researchers have studied this topic pretty extensively, and they have pinned down several effects of fatherlessness. Children raised without a father are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol. They are more likely to be raised in poverty, suffer from emotional health problems, struggle in school, and commit crimes. They are also more likely to become pregnant or father a child during their teen years.

Does this necessarily mean your child is destined to a life of drug abuse, failure, and emotional turmoil? No. This is a statistical situation. Their risk of these issues is merely higher than that of a child raised with a father. What that means is that your actions have a big impact. You can reduce the chances of these struggles by following the advice in the next section.

How can you help your child avoid these effects of fatherlessness?

Every situation is different, but here is some quick advice to apply to each potential effect.

Poverty: Do what you can to earn a good living to support your child. Consider going back to school while they are still young so you can take a higher-paying career path.

Drug Abuse: Spend time with your child and enroll them in after-school programs so they cannot spend as much time alone or with children who are bad influences.

Emotional Struggles: At the first sign of mental turmoil, take your child to see a therapist. It's better to be too early than too late.

Struggles in School: Hire a tutor, and encourage your child to stay after school for additional help in classes they struggle with.

Crime: Keep your child involved in after-school activities and extracurriculars so they are not only busy but focused.

Teen Pregnancy: Make sure your child receives a good sex education, either at home or at school. Discuss birth control extensively and make sure they know they can talk to you about sex.

To learn more, check out resources that have information about the effects of fatherlessness on different things.


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