Expanding Foam: A Solution For Many Building Problems

Posted on: 5 November 2019

Expanding foam, particularly expanding polyurethane foam, is often used as a foam roofing option. However, its unique properties lend it well to other construction and building problems. It has been and can be used in all of the following ways if you have these particular building problems. 

Crack Fillers

Small foundation cracks, cracks around your concrete porch, cracks in a wall in your house, and cracks in the sidewalk that are overrun with weeds no matter what you do are all issues that can be resolved with expanding foam. Remove any grass or weeds where these cracks are found. Spray the expanding foam mixture into the cracks. As it expands, it goes deeper into the cracks and rises above the cracks. Scrape or sand off the remaining excess right before or just after the foam hardens. 


Expanding foam has a higher R-value than you might realize. This is good news for any narrow spaces in walls or in your attic where installing any other types of insulation is quite impossible. You may need the industrial-size tanks of foam. (They look a lot like fire extinguishers.) Get the spray hose/nozzle as far into these spaces as it will reach. Then release, spray, and move the hose/nozzle from side to side to get a thorough coating. 

Sealants above Electrical Fixtures

Weatherizing your home or commercial building often includes finding where the tiniest air drafts are coming from. A lot of times, the tiniest of drafts are coming from outlets and from just above light fixtures. A little expanding foam sprayed in just the right way around these electrical items seals the space around them and keeps drafts from entering the rooms. It is recommended that you not attempt this yourself — leave it up to the electrician or a general contractor that performs weatherization services. 

Openings Around Outdoor Spigots and the Like

Air conditioning cables, wires, gas lines, and even outdoor spigots all have one thing in common. They have openings into the house or building that are not always sealed completely. Besides having to deal with the loss of energy, heat, and cooling, these areas are ideal for bug pests to crawl through. Expanding foam sprayed into the open areas around these devices and components seals the house or building against lost energy, heated/cooled air, and pests. You can spray the foam either from the outside in or the inside out.


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